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Assessment Resources: Articles

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Select Articles on Assessment

Assessment Update (Journal). Available through Simmons.

This journal offers academic leaders up-to-date information and practical advice on conducting assessments in a range of areas, including student learning and outcomes, faculty instruction, academic programs and curricula, student services, and overall institutional functioning.

Dugan, Robert E., Hernon, Peter. “Outcomes Assessment: Not Synonymous with Inputs and Outputs.” Journal of Academic Librarianship

Authors provide an argument for the use of outcomes assessment.

Dwyer, Carol A., Millett, Catherine M., Payne, David G “A Culture of Evidence: Postsecondary Assessment and Learning Outcomes. Recommendations to Policymakers and the Higher Education Community.” Educational Testing Service

Makes a case for increased assessment of higher education success using three assessment tools: student input measures, student output measures, and a measure of change between inputs and outputs.

Eubanks, David A. “Assessing the General Education Elephant” Assessment Update.

Discussion of the advantages of “authentic” assessment of general education programs, ideas for carrying out an “authentic” assessment, and description of a successful program at Coker College.

Ewell, P. T. (2008). Assessment and accountability in America today: Background and context. New Directions For Institutional Research, 2008 7-17. doi:10.1002/ir.258

Peter Ewell gives a brief history of assessment and accountability in higher education plus four areas to focus on in the future (collective responsibility, assessment instruments, benchmarking and transparency).

Galle, Jo K.; Galle, Jeffery. “Building an Integrated Student Learning Outcomes Assessment for General Education” New Directions for Teaching and Learning 

Authors suggest development of general education programs based on the analysis and synthesis of three different institutions and developing assessments.

Myunghee, K., Heeok, H., Il-Hyun, J., Jongho, S., & Jeonghee, S. "Developing an Educational Performance Indicator for New Millennium Learners." Journal Of Research On Technology In Education

For a scholarly audience, this study investigates the possibilities of developing an educational performance indicator for new-millennium learners (NMLs).

Lencho, Mark W., Longrie, Michael J., Friedman, Stephen J. “Where Learning and Assessment Meet” Assessment Update

Review of an integrated assessment program for the general education program at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

Rhodes, Terry. “Since We Seem to Agree, Why Are the Outcomes so Difficult to Achieve?” New Directions for Teaching and Learning

Review of the AACU’s VALUE program as it aims to engage students and faculty in achieving outcomes by using rubrics and portfolios as assessment tools.

Smith, K. M., & Mather, P. C. (2000). Best Practices in Student Affairs Research. New Directions For Institutional Research, 2000(108), 63.

Smith and Mather discuss best assessment practices in student affairs/co-curricular units

Sternberg, Robert J. “Wisdom, Intelligence, and Creativity Synthesized: A New Model for Liberal Education” Liberal Education

Presents a new model for a liberal arts post-secondary education that purports to reduce racial, ethnic and other differences, and reflect the shifting educational needs and goals of the 21st century. Includes information about admissions, curriculum, and assessment.

van Schalkwyk, S. "Early Assessment: Using a University-Wide Student Support Initiative to Effect Real Change" Teaching in Higher Education

This paper describes the implementation of a university-wide initiative aimed at providing a holistic view of a student's academic standing by conducting early, formative assessment for all first-year students. It tracks the Early Assessment System as a student support intervention at Stellenbosch University and suggests that the system has been instrumental in effecting change across the entire university.

Wehlburg, Catherine M. “Meaningful General Education Assessment That Is Integrated and Transformative New Directions for Teaching and Learning.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning

Suggestions for assessment of nondepartmentally based and interdisciplinary areas and suggestions for integrating new assessment techniques.

Yin, Alexander C., Volkwein, J. Fredericks. “Assessing General Education Outcomes” New Directions for Institutional Research

Summarizes and discusses General Education definitions by Association of American Colleges and Universities and 6 regional organizations, and offers suggestions for measurements and assessments