This page offers writing and citing assistance for after you've found the articles, books and other information on your topic.
The APA citation style is primarily used by disciplines in the business, social sciences, health, and education fields. The official guide is published by the American Psychological Association:
There are also several official resources online to help you with APA:
Looking for the Library's previous APA 6th edition citation guide? APA Citation Guide (6th Edition)
The Writing Center provides one-on-one tutoring, workshops and presentations to strengthen your academic reading, writing, critical thinking and research skills. Schedule an appointment today!
The majority of the Library's e-resources can generate a single citation for you.
Places to look for the Cite Button or other Citation Tools in E-Resources:
This is a selection of other citation generators & tools that can help you create citations and manage bibliographies. Remember, though, that no online citation generator is 100% accurate. Please be sure to check your citations to make sure that they're correct!