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Anti-Violence and Bystander Intervention: Home

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Content Warning: Some of the links in this guide include detailed descriptions regarding experience with physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse.

Bystander Intervention

Help a Stranger

An info sheet that provides info on ways you can help a stranger.

Steps You Can Take to Prevent Sexual Assault

RAINN offers tips on how to help a friend by intervening in a situation that looks like it could escalate to sexual assault.

How To Help A Friend Who May Be Abusing Their Partner

Do you suspect that a friend may be abusing their partner? This resource from Onelove offers advice on what you can do to intervene. 

Student Activisim

Student Activism

A variety of resources compiled by RAINN to facilitate student activism.

Preventing College Sexual Assault

"we want to share some ways that everyone on campus—from freshmen to seniors, students to staff—can create an environment that actively discourages sexual assault through healthy communication and respect of people’s personal boundaries. Because even if you don’t think these issues apply to you, sexual assault is your problem, too." Onelove Writer's Corps Member Emily Desanctis

Interrupting Rape Culture

Why I Stand Up to Politically Incorrect Jokes

A first person account of why speaking up when you hear a politically incorrect joke is important.

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Men Working to End Gender-Based Violence

10 Reasons Cis Men Must Unabashedly Support Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Folks

"Cis men have typically been at the forefront of any attempts to strip trans and gender non-conforming folks of any rights and safety they have. It is important that cis men understand that many of the perceptions they have about trans and gender non-conforming people are wrong, and that, for the reasons listed below and more, they should unashamedly and unabashedly support trans and gender non-conforming folks." Philippe Leonard Fradet

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25 Ways I Was Granted White Male Privilege After I Transitioned – and Why ALL Men Must Speak Up Against Sexism

A first person account of all the ways the author of this article noticed their new found privilege after transitioning. 

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6 Ways Feminist Men Can Fight Against Sexism in the Workplace

Actionable ways feminist men can start fighting sexism. 

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Redefining Masculinity

Man to Man: On Sex, Masculinity, and Being Yourself

"People of all genders get sent a ton of confusing messages around sex. That's certainly true for men. These pressures — like pressure to be a “real man” by experiencing sex in one specific way — can look different for different guys, and vary a lot depending on culture and community. What most have in common, though, is that they make it hard to develop a healthy relationship to masculinity, and to seek out what you, as an individual, want and need from sex and relationships. As a transgender man, I've spent a lot of time thinking about what it means to be a man in a world that tells us masculinity can only look one way. When it comes to sex, I know that the only “right” way to experience your sexuality is the way that works best for you and any partner(s) involved. But it can be harder to remember that when the world around us makes so many assignments and assumptions about what sex and men “should” be like. These assumptions hurt all of us — men, women, nonbinary people — and it's important that we learn to recognize and name them, and to challenge them in our everyday lives." Noah Zazanis

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