Welcome to the LIS 426 "Curriculum and the School Library Teacher' library guide. Here you will resources on curriculum development and lesson planning, along with links to relevant education and library science databases. Please get in touch with a librarian if you have any questions or require additional reseach assistance.
Children's Literature contains retrospective and comtemporary editions of children's picture books, easy readers, fiction, and non-fiction. A unique highlight of the print holdings is the Knapp Collection, a special collection located in the Archives of Early Children's Books, which contains over 1,200 19th and early 20th century juvenile books by American, English, and European authors.
Prefix | Description | Grades | Arrangement | Example |
J | Non-fiction | K-8 | Dewey Decimal |
J 398 (fairy tales) J 920 (biography) |
JE | Easy Readers | preS-2 |
Author cutter/ First letter of title |
JE Ea79a Are You My Mother? |
JP | Picture Books | preS-3 |
Author cutter/ First letter of title |
JP Se55w Where the Wild Things Are |
Juv | Fiction | 3-10 |
Author cutter/ First letter of title |
Juv AL 19L9 Little Women |