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Volunteering and Mentoring in the U.S. & Abroad
American Diabetes Association
Use your expertise and experience in leadership, business, health care, marketing, public relations, advocacy, or fund raising to make a vital difference.
Big Sister Association of Greater Boston
There are many ways to volunteer with this organization -become a mentor, help with fundraiser, attend a Young Professional meeting, or help recruit.
Boston by Foot
Boston by Foot volunteers lead history enthusiasts throughout the city.
Boston Cares
Boston Cares mobilizes more than 25,000 volunteers annually in support of Greater Boston schools and non-profit agencies.
Boston Living Center
The Boston Living Center offers a variety of opportunities to work either directly with the HIV/AIDS community, or in support of it.
Boston National Historic Parks
The U.S. National Park Service seeks volunteers to work in visitor services, research, administration, stewardship, and more.
Boston Partners in Education
Boston Partners in Education is widely recognized for its expertise in recruiting, training, and managing volunteers and in developing programs that align with city and state educational frameworks.
Boston Rescue Mission
"The Boston Rescue Mission, established in 1899, has been caring for people who are poor and homeless for more than 115 years. We strive to create a healing community where the poor are nourished, lives at risk are transformed and homelessness is both prevented and ended. Our 39 Kingston Street facility provides up to 150 residential beds. We offer our services to all regardless of race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, marital status or physical disability."
Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston
"The mission of Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston is to help young people, especially those who need us most, build strong character and realize their full potential as responsible citizens and leaders. We do this by providing: a safe haven filled with hope and opportunity, ongoing relationships with caring adults, and life-enhancing programs."
Brattle Film Foundation
Volunteers needed to assist as theater ushers, concessions assistants, and street teamers, as well as design, development/fundraising, photography, and marketing interns.
Charles River Conservancy
Dedicated to conserving the Charles River and adjacent park lands, this organization offers periodic volunteer opportunities working their community events.
Children's Room
The mission of The Children’s Room is to help grieving children, teens, and families in our communities to go on living and loving fully.
City Year
City Year unites young people of all backgrounds for a year of full-time service, giving them the skills and opportunities to change the world.
Community Servings
Dedicated to providing free home-delivered meals throughout Eastern Massachusetts to people homebound with HIV/AIDS and other acute life-threatening illnesses, who are unable to shop or cook for themselves.
The Esplanade Association
The organization charged with maintaining and protecting Boston's Esplanade offers volunteer opportunities including landscaping, painting, or cleanup work, as well administrative and technical opportunities in their offices.
The Food Project
"Since 1991, The Food Project has built a national model of engaging young people in personal and social change through sustainable agriculture. Each year, we work with over a hundred teens and thousands of volunteers to farm on 37 acres in eastern Massachusetts in the towns and cities of Beverly, Boston, Ipswich, Lincoln and Lynn. We consider our hallmark to be our focus on identifying and transforming a new generation of leaders by placing teens in unusually responsible roles."
Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts
"As a volunteer, you’ll introduce girls to new experiences that show them they’re capable of more than they ever imagined. You’ll be their cheerleader, guide, and mentor, helping them develop skills and confidence that will last a lifetime. Imagine the smiles, the excitement, the memories made—those are the moments you’ll share at Girl Scouts."
The Greater Boston Food Bank
The Food Bank is the largest hunger-relief organization in New England and one of the largest food banks in the country.
Horizons for Homeless Children
The mission of Horizons for Homeless Children is to improve the lives of homeless children and their families.
Hospitality Homes
Hospitality Homes places families of Boston medical care seekers with residents who have volunteered space in their homes.
JCI Boston
Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a global network for young people aged 18 to 40.
Jimmy Fund
The mission of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is to provide expert, compassionate care to children and adults with cancer while advancing the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure, and prevention of cancer and related diseases.
Junior League of Boston
Community service focus is the health and education of women and children.
MetroLacrosse is a non-profit organization whose mission is to use the sport of lacrosse to inspire personal, athletic, and educational success among urban youth and teens.
Museum of Science
Volunteers support the Museum in activities that range from interacting with visitors to providing administrative support for the staff.
Peace First
Peace First empowers students to create their own safe classrooms and communities by forming partnerships with elementary schools, families, and young adult volunteers.
People Making a Difference
This nonprofit promotes volunteerism by involving people in meaningful, one-time, hands-on work that meets the needs of local charities and by assisting companies and charities in building successful community involvement programs.
Samaritans of Boston
Samaritans’ purpose is to alleviate despair, isolation, distress and suicidal feelings among individuals in our community, 24 hours a day; to educate the public about suicide prevention; and to reduce the stigma associated with suicide.
Single Volunteers
Single volunteers helps single adults find others who have similar volunteer interests.
American Red Cross
Red Cross volunteers and staff work to deliver vital services, including relief and support to those in crisis, and helping people be prepared to respond in emergencies.
Commit up to one year of service from a variety of programs.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity builds and repairs houses all over the world using volunteer labor and donations.
Massachusetts Service Alliance
Connect & Serve is a free web-based volunteer portal administered by the Massachusetts Service Alliance. The Connect & Serve website is a valuable resource for organizations who recruit volunteers and for individuals who wish to find fulfilling volunteer opportunities in their communities. is America’s Natural and Cultural Resources Volunteer Portal.
VolunteerMatch is a listing service for volunteer opportunities across the country.
Child Family Health International
CFHI offers international health service-learning programs for people in the health sciences (residents, medical and pre-med, nursing, osteopathic, naturopathic, and other health science students). Volunteers spend time working with local doctors in a variety of healthcare settings. Some scholarships are available.
Cuso International
Cuso International places people of all ages who have the experience & perspectives needed to work with groups working to overcome poverty.
Freedom House
This international freedom and democracy advocacy group seeks American professionals to volunteer their time abroad, working with their counterparts in emerging democracies, particularly in non-profit management & development, advocacy, fundraising, grants management, volunteer training, public relations, political communication, legislative process, public administration, and budgeting & finance.
Global Vision International
Global Vision International works with local charities, government bodies and community organizations across the world, helping them to find volunteers to work on a wide range of worthwhile and vitally important projects.
Provides a comprehensive directory of international volunteer, internship, and work opportunities.
IFRE Volunteers Abroad
IFRE volunteers, a volunteer abroad program of the Institute of Field Research and Expedition (IFRE) specializes in ongoing, year-round volunteer abroad projects available for 2 weeks to 12 weeks in 18 countries throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Learning Abroad Center
The University of Minnesota's Learning Abroad Center, a comprehensive resource for study abroad programs as well as working, volunteering or getting an internship abroad.
ProWorld volunteers travel while completing projects and providing support for the communities they travel to.
RCDP International Volunteer
Volunteers complete projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
United Planet Volunteer Abroad
United Planet offers trips that range from one week to a whole year, to 40 countries and including a variety of projects.
Volunteer Abroad
Volunteer Abroad is a short-term international volunteer experience, designed with flexibility and individual attention in mind to meet needs and interests while ensuring that time spent is effectively contributing to a positive impact on the community.
Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO)
Lists volunteer opportunities in underdeveloped countries.
Christianson Grant
The Christianson Grant is awarded to individuals who have arranged their own work abroad programs. Proposed programs must be at least six months in length and emphasize a work component.
Foundation for Sustainable Development
A nonprofit U.S- based organization that promotes international development programs in health, nutrition, education, law, microfinance, business, human rights, youth development, rehabilitation and more. They support grassroots development efforts by working with local communities.
Go Overseas Volunteer or Intern Abroad Scholarship
This website provides reviews of study abroad projects, as well as several scholarship opportunities.
InterExchange Foundation Working Abroad Grant
A The $1,500 Working Abroad Grant is available to certain participants who have been accepted into InterExchange’s Working Abroad program.
The Peace Corps
By far the biggest American volunteer organization overseas, this is a popular choice for many. The Peace Corps provides full travel, living, medical and dental expenses while in-country as well as a settling-in allowance. Volunteers are also granted loan forgiveness for some types of loans. Requires a 27-month commitment.
World Teach
International volunteer teaching placement organization. While the positions are paid, some of the year-long programs require an initial fee or deposit.
MentorNet is a web-based e-mentoring program. Every year it matches thousands of students, postdocs, and early career researchers in engineering and science on hundreds of campuses to mentors in the professions for one-on-one guided relationships.
Through’s innovative national mentoring program based on its pioneering technology platform, college students can conveniently find and collaborate with mentors from diverse industries and professions to achieve their academic and career goals.