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Community and Environment Assessment (EcoScan): Neighborhood Walk-Through

Use this guide to gather the data and information about your client's community necessary to develop a three dimensional lens or "triangle" for understanding your client.

The Neighborhood

Begin by walking about the neighborhood / community where your client lives and where your agency is located; what do you observe? 

  • What is the physical appearance, the noise level and density of the neighborhood?
  • How might your client experience themselves in the context of this community? For example, might your client feel a sense of belonging or a sense of being an outsider?
  • What is your experience of walking around this neighborhood?

Background & Context to Support Your Observations

In addition to actually walking through the neighborhood/community, these are a few online tools that can enhance your experience and understand the area, and the neighborhoods that you are familiar with in your own life.


Using SimplyAnalytics

Signing In

When you click the SimplyAnalytics link, you can use the "Sign in as a Guest" link below the login box to access the database:

sign in to SimplyAnalytics as a guest

Getting Started

Check out the SimplyAnalytics tutorial for a quick rundown of some of the tools and things you can do, such as creating maps, comparing data between location (e.g. comparing one MA zip code to the whole state), or create a table of variables for one or more locations:

SimplyAnalytics tutorial

Citing Info from SimplyAnalytics

A lot (but not all) of the data available in SimplyAnalytics is pulled from the U.S. Census. To double check where the info is coming from, you can take a look at the variable metadata:

view metadata in SimplyAnalytics