Homos in Herstory : 1920's edition by Elvis BakaitisProvides an overview of queer experiences during the 1920s, specifically focused on lesbians and female people. Specific topics include singer and musician Gladys Bentley, and author Radclyffe Hall.
Not straight not white not male by xROSIxI am Vietnamese-American, female and hella gay (also vegan, straightedge, intersectional-feminist, anti-theist/agnostic and non-pacifist). So this is written from that perspective.
Call Number: Zines GEN .N68 2011
Whatstheirname : more adventures w/o gender by Julia EffZine discusses not having a gender and it's about not wanting to talk about it anymore, but talking about it regardless because it's necessary. It's also about dysphoric meltdowns in the mall and coming out to your straight boy partner and dealing with mislabeled pronouns and jerks on daily basis.
Call Number: Zines GEN .W53 2013
Versions of violence : queer women and femmes on heterosexism by KirstyThis compzine brings together multiple queer women and femme nonbinary folks to talk about their experiences with homophobia and heterosexism, and how these experiences shaped their sense of self and relationships.
Call Number: Zines QUR .V47 2016
Publication Date: 2016
Reference sources are ideal for getting background information on any topic, as well as for identifying important concepts, researchers, theorists, events, and issues associated with a topic.