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LIS 481: Children's Literature: Citing Sources

This guide is for LIS 481 - Developing Collections for Children

Where to Find Citation Help

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APA Quick Guides!

Database Citation Tools

Most online databases include an automated citation feature that allows you to generate citations in most of the commonly used documentation styles.  Click the title link for the article you want to cite and look for links to Cite, Cite This or Citation Tools, for example, from within the full record.  Please note that no online citation generator is 100% accurate.  Please be sure to check your citations to make sure that they include all of the correct information, in the proper order and with the proper capitalization and punctuation!

Watch the video below to see how to use the Cite feature in EBSCO databases. Use the 'f' key to view the video full screen.


Zotero is an extension of the Firefox browser that allows users to import, organize, and store citation information. This tutorial gives users an overview of the tool, including creating an account, how to import items from various sources, and how to organize the items. Users will also learn how to create bibliographies.

Click here to view the tutorial.

Free Online Citation Tools

Following is a selection of free online citation generators that can help students to create citations and manage bibliographies.  Remember, though, that no online citation generator is 100% accurate.  Please be sure to check your citations to make sure that they include all of the correct information, in the proper order and with the proper capitalization and punctuation!