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LIS 620: History, Concepts, and Research Opportunities: Week thirteen

Week thirteen- Research and Presentations

    1. Benoit, Gerald.  Toward A Critical Theoretic Perspective in Information Systems, Library Quarterly, October 2002, pp. 441-471
    2. Baudrillard, Jean.  The System of Collecting," In The Cultures of Collecting, edited by John Elsner and Roger Cardinal, pp. 7-24. [AM235 .C85 1994]
    3. Benjamin, Walter.  The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. 1935
    4. Budd, John.  What We Say About Research: Rhetoric and Argument in Library and Information Science, Library Quarterly, April 2006, p. 220-240.
    5. Hjørland, Birger. The Epistemological Lifeboat.
    6. Habermas, Jürgen.  The structural transformation of the public sphere : an inquiry into a category of bourgeois society , HM24 .H2713 1989
    7. Mingers & Willcocks. Social theory and philosophy for information systems, HM851 .S653 2004
    8. Hjørland, Birger Methodological Consequences of Information Science.” In Information Seeking and Subject Representation , Z695 .H694 1997
    9. McKenzie, Donald F.  Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts.  Cambridge University Press, 1999.  [Z1001 .M398 1999]