A 24 hour suicide prevention hotline with trained volunteers who are available to assist you if you may be feeling depressed, alone, or overwhelmed. This service is free, confidential, and available in crisis situations.
Provides information, referral, and linkages to appropriate agencies or services.
Get Health CoverageCollege students and recent graduates have several options for finding coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace.
The Health ConnectorThis is the website of The Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, an independent public authority that assists qualified Massachusetts adult residents with the purchase of affordable health care coverage if they don’t already have it.
Massachusetts Discount Dental PlansThis site has information about dental training clinics which offer a wide variety of dental services at reduced prices.
Massachusetts League of Community Health CentersThis site provides information and directory listings about community health centers all over the state, along with information about affordable health insurance, and health related links.
Simmons University Student Health Insurance PlanSponsored by University Health Plans, this site explains the benefits that students who had the Student Health Insurance Plan from Simmons can expect after graduation.
APA Help Center -- Job StressYou may have your "dream job," but even those jobs carry stress with them. This article will help you reduce your stress level, and make your work environment less stressful.
Dealing with Job Search Anxiety: Career Stress Management 101Nervous about an upcoming job interview? This article teaches methods of calming down, so that you can avoid panic and anxiety attacks, and show potential employers how talented you really are.
Exercise and Stress ReliefThis site emphasizes setting realistic goals when starting a fitness regimen and taking things slowly.
How to Get Rid of Job Search StressJob searching can be stressful. Learn some tips to help you cope with stress and anxiety as you're figuring out the next stage of your life.
MindToolsThis website has much to say about positive thinking and stress reduction. Includes navigational tabs to topics such as problem-solving and decision-making skills, which certainly help to determine stress levels.
Our Bodies Ourselves WebsiteProvides valuable insight into male/female and same-sex female relationships, as well as providing information on other issues of importance to women.
Relaxation Techniques for Stress ReliefHelpguide.org is a website that shows the health benefits of yoga, and other techniques for stress relief, with instructions for deep breathing, self-massage, and other home methods for coping with stress, along with links to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Also links to such topics as dealing with depression and anxiety.
UMMS Center for Applied NutritionFrom UMASS Medical Center, this site helps to empower individuals to make healthy food choices so that they can enjoy the highest quality of life.
Berkeley WellnessThis page from the University of California at Berkeley's Wellness Center provides a number of wellness resources, from nutrition to exercise.
Black Women's Health ImperativeThe Imperative provides health resources and information, community health and wellness education, provides advocacy and health policies, and interprets/issues reports on research, in order to try to improve the health and wellness of Black women.
Boston Centers for Youth and FamiliesMany Boston community centers offer access to fitness facilities such as gyms, weight rooms, and swimming pools for very affordable rates. This link will help you find the location nearest you.
Foodfit.comThis site provides many healthy recipes, gives advice on fitness and wellness, and offers free weekly email tips and free newsletters.
A Healthy MeContains information about all sorts of health issues and topics. Click on the sidebar for information about alternative health, lifestyle and wellness, and work and wellness among many others
Holmes Sports CenterTip: As a Simmons Alum, you are entitled to use the Holmes Sports Center at a special low rate.
Mayor's Health LineThe Mayor’s Health Line works to ensure Boston residents’ ability to access services and programs that promote health and wellness. The MHL staff is available to help residents with a variety of services including, answering questions about health insurance eligibility, enrolling in health insurance, finding primary care providers, finding social services, locating free clinics and many more.