CraigslistCraigslist is a great place to look for apartments and roommates, as long as you are careful with your personal information. Always take someone with you to look at an apartment.
Know Your Rights When You Rent in BostonA concise guide to your legal rights throughout the rental process, covering everything from what to look for in an apartment and lease, to expectations about repairs and how to handle an eviction notice.
Massachusetts Housing and PropertyThe Massachusetts website on housing is a source that may be useful if you are unsure of what type of living arrangement is best suited to you.
Massachusetts Housing Tenant ResourcesFrom the Massachusetts Housing Consumer Education Center, this site offers answers to a wide range of questions about all types of housing problems.
10 Financial Commandments for Your 20sFrom, this article provides time-tested principles for establishing good personal financial management.
Calculate Your Moving CostsWhile every moving company has their own system for determining how much a specific move will cost,'s Smart Calculators are a great starting point for those trying to get a handle on their moving situation, no matter where they may be moving to.
Clearpoint Credit CounselingUse this website to arrange for consumer or debt counseling, find loan counselors, order a credit report, create a spending plan, and more.
The College Graduate's Guide to Managing Money and DebtCongratulations college graduates! You are about to embark on a new adventure. But you will also face new challenges, such as repaying student loans and managing your money. Here are several tips to help you get started.
Inflation CalculatorThe CPI inflation calculator uses the average Consumer Price Index for a given calendar year. This data represents changes in prices of all goods and services purchased for consumption by urban households. This index value has been calculated every year since 1913. For the current year, the latest monthly index value is used.
Money 101From CNN, this site offers twenty-three lessons on setting priorities, making a budget, taxes, insurance, the basics of banking, savings, and investing, and other topics.
One-Stop Budget Guide: Budgeting 101This extensive site gives you 12 good reasons to budget, plus information on getting motivated, starting out, sticking to a budget, and using budgeting tools.
Student Aid on the WebFind information on loan repayment, exit counseling, debt, and more.