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Explore Your Future
America's Career InfoNet
Use this resource to explore various careers, find state employment information, salary information and more.
BPL – Kirstein Business Branch
The Job Seeker's Guide from the Kirstein Business Library provides a complete guide to available job and career resources through the Boston Public Library.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Handbook
Look up almost any occupation and find information about pay and outlook.
Career Advice from
Find a wealth of career advice from job search powerhouse
Career Profiles
Career Profiles provides information on resumes, interviews, networking and career transitions.
City Town Info
This site provides background information, demographic, career, and statistical data on cities and towns.
Finding a Job - Mass.Gov
A guide to working in Massachusetts.
The Future-Jobs-O-Matic! is your key to Careers of the Future. Find the job you have — or the job you want — and the Future-Jobs-O-Matic! will tell all. Give it a whirl!
Industry-Occupation Employment Matrix
This useful tool from the US Department of Labor provides information on the distribution of employment by occupation across industries.
Learn to Become
Explore careers in every sector and figure out your next steps. Labor and Workforce Development
This is your go-to web site for all sorts of information specific to the Massachusetts worker, including state job banks, insurance news, grants, and much more.
Massachusetts Libraries: Careers and Job Hunting Resources
Find links to sites listing jobs in Massachusetts and elsewhere.
Free to all Massachusetts residents, this site provides detailed descriptions of hundreds of occupations,related education and training information, and guides for job searching, starting your own business, and more.
O*Net Online: Occupational Information Network
A searchable database that provides detailed descriptions of the skills, work styles, wages and abilities necessary for employment in a variety of professions.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook
A publication of the US Department of Labor, this site allows you to explore different career options.
Schools in the USA
Browse job titles that fall under each of the major career fields, with profiles that provide descriptive career information, salary information, educational requirements, related careers and career potential.
Student Aid on the Web: Career Information
A guide to steps in career planning from the federal government's student aid website.
Gateway to Associations
From the American Society of Association Executives, this resource takes users to associations' websites in a variety of fields.
Healthcare Assocations
From the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at NYU, this page includes an extensive list of professional associations in health care and health management.
Nonprofit Management Associations
From the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at NYU, this page includes an extensive list of professional associations in nonprofit management, with links, descriptions and contact information.
Jung Personality Test
Take this test to discover your personality type.
The Princeton Review Career Quiz
Take the five-minute career quiz to find out more about your true calling.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a situation.
Temperament Sorter
The Keirsey Temperament Sorter is a leading assessment for individuals, teams and organizations and delivers actionable, personal and organizational insights addressing opportunities and challenges.