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Anti-Oppression: Social Justice Zines

Zines Written by Simmons Students

Want to know what your fellow Simmons classmates think about activism, white privilege, oppression, and intimate violence prevention? 

Check out the Social Justice Zine Collection written by the Simmons Community.

The collection is located in the Simmons Library Reading Room, on the right-hand shelf when you walk in.


To the Front Collection @ Simmons



  1. You can search under To The Front Collection in the Library Catalog.
  2.  Browse the zine collection by subject using the Subject Categories below:

Read Some Zines!

Check out a few of the zines from our Social Justice Zine collection!

Simmons Student Zine Collection Exhibit

This collection consists of zines created by Simmons College undergraduate students as part of their coursework in a variety of disciplines.

Social Justice Zines

Stop by the library and pick up copies of these empowering zines from our current Social Justice Zines collection!  These zines are free for the taking and are provided by Beatley Library as educational and informative tools for a wide range of topics.


Allies, White Privilege, Oppression, Patriarchy

  • Everyone calls themselves an ally until it is time to do some real shit
  • Moral Revolution! 
  • So you want to be an ally! 
  • Dear white people
  • Understanding patriarchy

Activism, Protests, Bystander Intervention

  • ATR Activism
  • (A)BC's mini-guide to protesting
  • It ain't just drama mama! A zine about bystander intervention

Your Rights, Police

  • We are all suspects: a guide for people navigating the expanded powers of surveillance in the 21st century
  • Know your rights! What you need to know

Sexual Assault, Abusive Behavior, Consent

  • Ask for it! I <3 consent
  • What to do when someone tells you that you violated their boundaries, made them feel uncomfortable, or committed assault
  • Supporting a survivor of sexual assault
  • Sex with a survivor: a guide to being sexually intimate with a survivor of trauma
  • The relationship spectrum guide

Mental Health, First Aid

  • An activist's guide to basic first aid
  • Mapping our madness: a workbook for navigating crisis, extreme states, or just foul moods
  • Empower yr sexy self: a workbook
  • Mindful occupation: rising up without burning out


  • Sexual health for transgender & nonconforming people

Locating Zine Resources

These zine distributors carry zines you can purchase. You can also send them your zines, and see if they're willing to distribute them (advertise, sell, and mail to buyers) for you.

Two unicorns with their backs to each other    

Want to make zine friends? Share your zine with others? Check out the following sites.


All of these books are available for checkout here at Beatley.