The Main Collection is located in our downstairs stacks, and it contains a majority of our books.
The Career Resources collection contains books to help students with career and skill development, It is located in the Library Reading Room.
SLIS West books are books that live on our other campus at Mount Holyoke. These books are still available to check out, but you have to request that they be sent to the main campus.
Reference books cannot be checked out and must be used in the Simmons Library. They are located in the circular shelves on the main floor.
The Simmons Authors Collection contains books attributed to Simmons alumnae, faculty, and staff. The collection is in the Library Reading Room.
Sometimes Simmons University loans out books to the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. These books cannot be requested or checked out.
Course Reserves are materials that faculty request be made available to students for curriculum support. They are behind the Service Desk and are available for checkout for shortened times. You must be student or faculty to check out Course Reserves.
The Library has a small collection of student made Zines that are available for checkout. They are in grey boxes in the Library Reading Room.
The Simmons University Archives is located on the main floor of the Simmons Library. These materials are available with archive level restrictions.