You can book a library study room from the Simmons Library website. Click on the Book a Study Room link, follow the steps to book a room, and then submit it. Be sure to complete the entire process and get a confirmation email otherwise your booking will not go through. They can be reserved in 30min increments for up to three hours, and can be booked up to 28 days in advance.
The Low Sensory Study Room is a room that features reduced lighting and is designed to minimize distractions. It has a different booking link and can be booked here.
24hr Silent Study Room : This is a silent study space in the Simmons Library that is open 24/7. It is all carrel seating with a few soft seating options. This room does not require booking and operates on a first come first serve basis.
25Live : This site allows you to book study areas around campus that aren't the library study rooms. These include small conference rooms and meetings spaces.