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Simmons University Library 101: Printing

A general guide to the services offered by the Simmons University Library.

How To Print

Simmons University uses Papercut Printing for its printing services. All students are given a $50 printing budget at the beginning of the school year. When you go to Papercut, you'll log in with your Simmons credentials and see your dashboard. The steps to print are:

1. Click on Web Print from the side menu

2. Select Submit a Job

3. Choose if you want to print in Color or B&W - B&W printers will not print Color so be sure you select the right option and print from the right printer.

4. Choose how many copies you want to print, upload your documents, and then submit them.

5. Go to your printer and tap your ID card to pull up your print account - You can also type in your login information if you do not have your ID card.

6. Select Print All Jobs or select the ones you want to print and you're done!

Printers In The Library


There are 4 printers in the Simmons University Library:


Printer Logo Color printer in the 24hr Silent Study Room


Printer Logo B&W printer outside study rooms #A-193 and #A-182


Printer Logo Color printer by the water fountain across from Research Librarian offices


Printer Logo B&W printer in Study Room tunnel outside study room #E-170