The Chicago manual does not provide specific guidance on how to cite a Television Series, but the library suggests that you cite as described below based on guidelines for similar citations. If feasible, try to cite the specific episode over the series as a whole.
Include both the original release year of the film as well as the year that the video was released.
Singer, Bryan, dir. The Usual Suspects. 1995. Santa Monica, CA: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 2014. DVD.
1. The Usual Suspects, directed by Bryan Singer (1995; Santa Monica, CA: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 2014), DVD.
Bellaimey, John.“The Five Major World Religions.” YouTube. November 14, 2013. Video, 11:09.
1. John Bellaimey, “The Five Major World Religions,” YouTube, November 14, 2013, video, 11:09,
Leaman, Aaron, dir. Looking for Infinity: El Camino. ACL Creative Studio. 2017. Video, 60:41.
1. Looking for Infinity: El Camino, directed by Aaron Leaman, ACL Creative Studio, 2017, video, 25:20,
Reich, Andrew and Ted Cohen, writers. Friends. Season 6, episode 14, "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry." Directed by Kevin Bright. Aired February 10, 2000, in broadcast syndication. Warner Brothers, 2004. DVD.
1. Friends, season 6, episode 14, "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry," directed by Kevin Bright, written by Andrew Reich and Ted Cohen, aired February 10, 2000, in broadcast syndication, Warner Brothers, 2004, DVD.
Television Series Episode Viewed on a Subscription Media Website
When citing media watched from a streaming service, it is not necessary to include the production company or the release date; include the URL rather than the format.
Gabaldon, Diana, Ronald D. Moore, and Matthew B. Roberts, writers. Outlander. Season 1, episode 4, "The Gathering." Directed by Brian Kelly. Aired August 30, 2014.
1. Outlander, season 1, episode 4, "The Gathering, directed by Brian Kelly, written by Diana Gabaldon, Ronald D. Moore, and Matthew B. Roberts, aired August 30, 2014,
Reference List:
Director's Last Name, Director's First Name, dir. Original Release Date. Title of Movie. Location of Distributor: Name of Distributor, Item Release Date. Medium.
Hitchcock, Alfred, dir. 1954. Rear Window. Universal City, CA: Universal Pictures, 2001. DVD.
In-Text Citation:
(Hitchcock 1954)
Reference List:
Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. Year of work. Title of Film. Name of Publisher, Format of Film. From Source, Collection Name. Medium, Duration of film. URL.
Edison, Thomas A. 1898. Sleighing Scene. Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 35mm film. From Library of Congress, America at Work, America at Leisure: MotionPictures from 1894-1915. RealMedia, MPEG, Quick Time video, 47 sec.
"Football Medley and Bright College Years ~Fenno Heath Yale Glee Club 1990." 1990. Video, 8:32. From the performance at the 1990 Commencement Concert, posted by "Peggy Heath Ogilvy," February 22, 2015.
In-Text Citation:
(Edison 1898)
("Football Medley" 1990)
Reference List:
Director's Last Name, Director's First Name, dir. Year of Airing. Title of Series. Season Number, Episode Number, "Title of Episode." Original Air Date, Network. URL
In-Text Citation:
(Mayberry 1971)
Reference List:
Title of Series. Original Air Dates. Creator(s) of Series. Producer(s) of Series. Network.
In-Text Citation:
(Title of Series)